King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W. was released on May 28th 2021 on vinyl through Flightless and Virgin Records.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W. is another next level album with eastern musical scales, garage rock and heavy metal influences. The songs are technical and pushing the band further into the world of prog rock while staying connected to the folky, funky rocking sounds the band is known for. L.W. is the first studio album in 2021 for King Gizz and it shows a continuation of their boundless creativity and brilliantly displays their musical range.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W. is the third album where the band explores the world of microtonal musical scales. They have specially designed guitars with additional frets that fit between the traditional frets making it possible to play between the normal notes. This allows the band to play musical notes that are outside of the traditional western musical scale and include notes that are found in India and other countries. The Western scale has 12 notes in an octave and other eastern systems can have 16-36 notes in an octave. King Gizzard fearlessly takes these microtonal notes and integrates them into their songs. This gives the songs a strong world music sound that is used to create unique atmospheres and to create driving heavy rock music with impressive rhythms and a unique sound.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W. spends most of its time in folk rock territory with sections of atmospheric textures, catchy vocal melodies and layers of droning instruments and guitars. The music also plays in heavier tones and takes time to explore eastern tonalities with a mystical vibe. songs like “Static Electricity” have this feel the guitars really stick to the microtonal approach and feel very middle eastern in vibe.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard are moving into their second decade as a band and the most recent studio albums including Infest The Rats Nest, K.G and L.W. have the band becoming more progressive and mature in their sound. The band plays with impressive skill and creativity and the music is highly considered and confident. In the early days they would be very playful layering many instruments and releasing albums that were highly eclectic.
They seemed to have a endless well of creativity that would reach its branches into any genre or sound that felt right at the moment. The latest releases see that band embracing a more refined approach L.W. and K.G. feel like a set the two album have a similar sound. Infest The Rats Nest highlighted the heavy metal chops and introduced a heavy metal progressive thrash vibe into their sound. In the newest album they embrace the heavy tones and progressive riffs, at times they bring to mind the rhythms heard in Tool but applied in different way.

L.W. has incredible drumming and percussion on every track. Stu Mackenzie and Micheal Cavanagh Performed the drums and percussion on this album and it brings their rhythm into focus. They use poly-rhythms frequently on the album making the rhythms feel heavy and highly complex especially on the track K.W.L.W. K.W.L.W. is a heavy rock song that gets a hint doom toward the end. This is one of the most complex songs I have heard from the band. It combines their chant like drone riffs, heavy metal distortion and their desire to make rhythmically complex music into an epic heavy ass song.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W. as well as K.G. were recorded partially at home during the pandemic lock down. Stu Mackenzie front man and guitarist takes the lead on songwriting although other bands members contribute greatly to the songs. On these albums Stu Mackenize is recording at home and does the drums, guitars, sitar, flutes, vocals and much of the songs-writting. King Gizz has a lot of talented songwriters in the band and I believe this is part of the reason they have released so many albums and why there is so much variety in their music. These newest albums feel a bit more like the vision of Stu Mackenzie as his name is all over the recording and writing credits. Many of the songs have just two people who recorded the entire composition with Stu doing many of the overdudbed instrumentation.
These two albums K.G. and L.W. present a unique and wonderful new vision on progressive heavy rock with a folk rock foundation. King Gizz have come to define themselves in the 2020s as a progressive rock band that plays with skill and precision that few bands in the psychedelic rock scene can compete with. Indeed King Gizz has become a genre with-in themselves and the next album Butterfly 3000 will wipe all this talk about becoming a heavier progressive band off the board. They say that the Butterfly 3000 is going to be simple songs with major, happy chords and stripped down melodies. That is to be released on June 11th with no singles or teasers the band states they expect it to be controversial amongst fans.
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W. is a great album that has a classic feel like something that will be listened to and critiqued for many years to come. King Gizzard have made themselves into a powerful band that will stand the test of time. I can easily see their music extending through time and remaining relevant for many years to come.
The band also did something very cool where they made the digital sales on their bandcamp page go toward a good cause here is the quote from their page.
“This download of L.W. comes with tree (that’s right tree). $1 from every download will be donated to Greenfleet, who plant native biodiverse forests in Australia and New Zealand.
We’re aiming to make 2000 downloads which is enough to revegetate 1,000m2 at Pearsons Block in Central Victoria. Some of the species endemic to this region include Yellow Box (Eucalyptus melliodora), Varnish Wattle (Acacia verniciflua) and Sweet Bursaria (Bursaria spinosa).
You will be creating habitat for the local wildlife species, playing a vital role in reconnecting parts of the Wychitella Biolink. Some of the species known to the area are Lace monitors, Quolls and the vulnerable Mallee Fowl. Other native and endangered bird species can be found in the area as well, including Shy Heathwrens and Inland Thornbills.
Protected for 100 years, these trees will grow into a thriving and resilient forest restoring the native ecosystem in the area and increasing the overall biodiversity and resilience. Good stuff!”
King Gizzard And The Lizard Wizard L.W.
About The Psych Rock
The Psych Rock is here to promote awesome underground music that is wildly creative. The page is a one person operation and I want to thank everyone who has helped keep me motivated with your great music and awesome promos. Many thanks to all the viewers how have check out the page I hope you found a bunch of new and awesome music. 2020 was a good year for the page because I was stuck at home and I listened to all the music and discovered new music continuously. I have been a bit busy but doing my best to keep on top of the new releases and the many great artists and labels who take the time to send me emails.
How am I doing you ask? I am well Looking for more opportunities to share my creative talents. I have been writing a new album for my psychedelic rock band Black Satori, we have some exciting news coming soon! I finished up a home recorded full-length solo album and I am determining how to release it to the world. Its a folk rock album with some psychedelic vibes. My other solo albums can be found under Temple Rose. I have been writing for which has been a delight. I am finding new hobbies and looking for more work as well. So it has been difficult to keep up but I appreciate all your support!
Thank you again and make sure to click around the new releases and find some great new music. Be sure to support artists and label because we have nothing to keep our ears entertained without them. Send them your crypto, buy their stuff and share their music! : )
Check out my personal music at the following links!
Black Satori is releasing a 45 vinyl on Echodelick Records summer / fall 2021more details coming soon!!
Thank you so much and yes we do all need psychedelic rock acid folk music in 2021 we need more hippies in our world. Peace n love brother.
Very informative!!! Thanks my friend, can’t wait wait until the next one!!! Much love from!!!