Numün Voyage Au Soleil

Numün Voyage Au Soleil

7.7 / 10 New age Ambient journey with subtle psych and space themes

Numün Voyage Au Soleil was released on September 4th 2020 on Musique Impossible

Numün Voyage Au Soleil is from New York City USA and they make deeply relaxing soundscapes with crystal clear tones. The music is heavily inspired by the new age genre with kosmische. The music was inspired by a request to do music to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. “Tranquility base” included a quote from Neil Armstrong himself.

Numün is a three piece group which has members from Gamelan Dharma Swara, SUSS. Each member of the band has extensive bios which have popular music, composition, sound design and the arts. The sound quality is 100% quality making high volume Hi-Fi listening deeply rewarding.

The music on Voyage Au Soleil starts on earth with a soothing pastoral sound and as the album progresses it moves deeper into the vacuum of space. The experimental nature of the music and the clarity of vision is a joy to listen to. The balance of the electronics and the acoustic instrumental like guitar and viola create a sound that could be used for psychedelic inner visions of the gentler kind perhaps at the start or end of a psychedelic session or as peaceful background music around the home.

Overall, Numün Voyage Au Soleil is less experiential and challenging then most of what is here on the website but it makes its own space in the genre and is done with such incredible quality and consideration that I come back to it again and again. I hope you too take the time and space to realize the potency of this album.

Numün Voyage Au Soleil

Bob Holmes: bass, guitar, harpsichord, synths, violin static
Joel Mellin: piano, organ, guitar, gongs, gender wayang, theremin, bass, synths, assorted percussion
Christopher Romero: dholak, cümbüş
w/guest Trina Basu: violin has multiple new album posts each week. Please follow me on youtube, instagram and facebook. Support the artist and labels and you can support me by sending me merch, promos, well wishes or even a dontation at / with Covid I do need some donations….

More kosmisch can be found here:
Donations can be made here:


4 thoughts on “Desert Daze 2016”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much and yes we do all need psychedelic rock acid folk music in 2021 we need more hippies in our world. Peace n love brother.

  2. ALX8721 says:

    Very informative!!! Thanks my friend, can’t wait wait until the next one!!! Much love from!!!

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