КОМВУИАТ ЯОВОТЯОИ Kernzeitverletzung

7.9 / 10 Kraut rock

КОМВУИАТ ЯОВОТЯОИ Kernzeitverletzung was released on June 3rd 2020 from The Weird Beard on cassette. (Kombynat Robotron in English)

КОМВУИАТ ЯОВОТЯОИ Kernzeitverletzung is kraut rock from Germany with 2 long tracks that have the motorik beats, echoing guitar and kosmische introductions. This is an awesome album for any kraut rock fan!

КОМВУИАТ ЯОВОТЯОИ is a four piece band from Kiel, Germany Kernzeitverletzung is their fourth album and it is great. Their debut release was in 2019 with a collaboration with Snakes Dont Belong In Alaska quickly followed by their own Modul 12.

КОМВУИАТ ЯОВОТЯОИ Kernzeitverletzung has multiple new posts each week. Find new music and support labels and artist.

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4 thoughts on “Desert Daze 2016”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much and yes we do all need psychedelic rock acid folk music in 2021 we need more hippies in our world. Peace n love brother.

  2. ALX8721 says:

    Very informative!!! Thanks my friend, can’t wait wait until the next one!!! Much love from!!!

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