Kanaan Double Sun

Kanaan Double Sun

8 / 10 instrumental post-rock space rock at premium quality

Kanann Double Sun is a psychedelic post rock album. The music sizzles on the creative edge of dynamic improvisation and structured compositions. The sonic tone of the music is balanced with the rhythmic groove. The guitars stand out with their edgy fuzz leads and beautiful echoing compressed tone. Each player is synergistically linked to abstract direction of the songs taking their sound to higher creative places.

Kanann Double Sun was released by El Paraiso Records April 24th 2020.

This album rocks and has great quality tones mix and master. The songs are dynamic building and mellowing out. Their style is unpredictable and each song has its own formula. The synergy with-in the band creates their unique and thoughtful compositions. They move between space rock, post rock, psychedelic rock and add in progressive and improvisational krautrock elements.

Kanann is from Oslo, Norway and released their debut album in 2018 titled Windborne. In February of 2020 they release Odense Sessions an improvised live session with Causa Sui guitarist Jonas Munk. Double Sun goes back to the studio recorded formula of their debut taking them to higher heights.

Kanaan Double Sun





4 thoughts on “Desert Daze 2016”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much and yes we do all need psychedelic rock acid folk music in 2021 we need more hippies in our world. Peace n love brother.

  2. ALX8721 says:

    Very informative!!! Thanks my friend, can’t wait wait until the next one!!! Much love from dmtworld.net!!!

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