Shit and Shine Malibu Liquor Store New Release

Shit and Shine Malibu Liquor Store


Shit and Shine Malibu Liquor Store was released on October 9th by Rocket Recordings.

Shit and Shine Malibu Liquor Store is a wacky album with remixed electronic sounds and surfy funky guitars. This is the third album in 2020 from Shit and Shine and stands in contrast to the other albums by exploring different sonic landscapes infused with samples and electronics.

Shit and Shine released their first album in 2004 and have been releasing albums at a rapid pace ever since. The band started in Texas USA and now is based in the UK. They area a psych noise rock band that is always outside the box, even when the box is of their own creation. Their albums can be miles apart musically yet their intensity and focus on experimentation is always present.

Malibu Liquor Store has groovin’ bass lines twisted surf rock guitar, live drums and glitched up electronics and samples. It a strange brew with a summer time feel and a one of a kind twisted vibe.

Shit and Shine Malibu Liquor Store has multiple new posts each week! Stay on your game and click around to know more then your friends or something.


4 thoughts on “Desert Daze 2016”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much and yes we do all need psychedelic rock acid folk music in 2021 we need more hippies in our world. Peace n love brother.

  2. ALX8721 says:

    Very informative!!! Thanks my friend, can’t wait wait until the next one!!! Much love from!!!

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