The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol Berserkir

The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol Berserkir

7.5 / 10

The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol Berserkir is experiential music recorded as one time improvisational tracks in the psychedelic rock and space rock style. For 12 years The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol has avoided classification and genre definition and Berserkir is another inspiring sonic painting from this talented “collective”.

Released by Cardinal Fuzz and Feeding Tube Records March 27th 2020.

The music is Experiential meaning “are you experienced?” and its music that is played through feeling and through expressing an intense focus on the totality of the sound.

With 6 musicians contributing to the single reel take the sound is very cohesive and balanced. The various instruments seem to melt together to create an experience for the listener and players alike. The beginning and the end point of a song can land anywhere, its unpredictable and to fully absorb it it must be lived note to note beat to beat.

The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol Berserkir contains plenty of historical references for example the improvisational approach is much like CAN the legendary Krautrock band. The new wave of undefinable psychedelic space rock with improvisational elements is blooming like mushrooms all over the globe. The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol has helped create this movement and also continues to challenge our assumptions and challenge our ear to listen closer.

The Band Whose Name Is A Symbol Berserkir


4 thoughts on “Desert Daze 2016”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Thank you so much and yes we do all need psychedelic rock acid folk music in 2021 we need more hippies in our world. Peace n love brother.

  2. ALX8721 says:

    Very informative!!! Thanks my friend, can’t wait wait until the next one!!! Much love from!!!

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